Season's Greetings & Highlights in 2021

Join us to look back at the past year with many FluidFM highlights

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The past year has been a year of successful transformation and growth for us, even in these difficult times. Without your support and the great work of our employees, this would not have been possible. Many thanks for your continuous trust and loyalty!

Please join us to look back at the past year with many highlights such as exciting new FluidFM publications or our advances in R&D:

FluidFM publication highlights

We are very proud to announce that, thanks to the many publications this year by our customers, our list has grown to more than 100 FluidFM publications. Please allow us to highlight the following three publications from 2021:

Interactions between air bubbles and (bio)interfaces

This publication shows how FluidFM can be used to generate and functionalize bubbles of constant size for exploring their interaction with biological surfaces.

I. Demi, I. Lüchtefeld, C. Lemen, E. Dague, P. Guiraud, T. Zambelli & C. Formosa-Dague. Probing the interactions between air bubbles and (bio)interfaces at the nanoscale using FluidFM technology. Go to publication

Single-cell organelle transplantation

This publication reveals a way on how to transplant with FluidFM entire healthy- and drug-impaired mitochondria into primary keratinocytes.

C. Gäbelein, Q. Feng, E. Sarajlic, T. Zambelli, O. Guillaume-Gentil, B. Kornmann & J. Vorholt. Mitochondria transplantation between living cells. (2021). BioRxiv. Go to publication

Cytoplasmic mRNA biopsies for liveseq analysis

In this publication, FluidFM was used to perform cytoplasmic mRNA biopsies for liveseq analysis, a unique approach enabling consecutive transcriptomic analyses of a single cell.

W. Chen, O. Guillaume-Gentil, R. Dainese, P. Rainer, M. Zachara, C. Gäbelein, J. Vorholt & B. Deplancke. Genome-wide molecular recording using Live-seq. (2021). BioRxiv. Go to publication

More FluidFM highlights

The whole Cytosurge team wishes you a festive holiday season and best wishes, prosperity, and health for the new year ahead.

Warmest greetings,

Your Cytosurge team