FluidFM as an enabling tool in bioelectronics research
Prof. Janos VörösDone
The FluidFM for nano-spotting and adhesion investigation
Dr. Christine Mueller-RennoDone
Welcome Note
Simon EgliDone
Can Live-Seq Go Viral?
Dr. Orane Guillaume-GentilDone
Apero and poster presentation
Coffee break
Coffee Break
Social Activity - Bowling
Implementing Live-seq on a triple-negative breast cancer cell line - Session: Single-cell RNA sequencing: Live-seq and biopsies
Margot Le-BotDone
Nanoinjection of extracellular vesicles to single live cells by robotic fluidic force microscopy
Kinga Dóra KovácsDone
Multi-omics analysis of keratinocytes reveals dermokine-dependent regulation of cell-cell adhesion via p120 - Session Gene engineering and CRISPR
10/29/24, 4:10 PM
10/29/24, 4:35 PM
(25 minutes)
Dr. Vahap Canbay
Department for Bioengineering and Biomedicine, Technical University of Denmark
Dr. Vahap Canbay - DTU, Denmark