Nanoinjection of extracellular vesicles to single live cells by robotic fluidic force microscopy
Kinga Dóra KovácsDone
Inducing Novel Endosymbioses by Bacteria Implantation into Fungi
Gabriel GigerDone
Non-Fouling Multi-Azide Polyoxazoline Coatings for micro-fluidics applications
Dr. Samuele TosattiDone
The SARS-COV-2 cytoplasmic tail story: Biophysical Approach in the understanding of SARS-CoV tropism
Bhanupriya PanigrahiDone
Updates from the Cytosurge Applications team
Coffee break
Coffee break
The FluidFM for nano-spotting and adhesion investigation
Dr. Christine Mueller-RennoDone
Registration and coffee
Apero and poster presentation
Welcome Note
10/29/24, 9:00 AM
10/29/24, 9:15 AM
(15 minutes)
Pascal Behr
Pascal holds a doctoral degree from ETH Zurich. His passion for entrepreneurship and Startups has led him to the foundation of Cytosurge. He currently serves as CEO of the company and is responsible for all operational and strategic matters of the company.
When away from work, Pascal enjoys spending time at the Rhine river - in summer and in winter. He loves scuba diving and has a passion for the latest tech gadgets.