FluidFM® ADD‑ON for Bruker & JPK AFMs
To extend the capability of your Bruker AFM with FluidFM ADD-ON:

Extend the application scope of your Bruker or JPK atomic force microscope with our FluidFM ADD-ON. The FluidFM ADD-ON is compatible with the Bruker BioScope Resolve AFM and JPK NanoWizard®, ForceRobot® and CellHesion® AFMs.
Safe & reliable
The custom FluidFM probe holder for your AFM assures safe, tight and reliable mounting of FluidFM probes without the need of any tweezers.

Video courtesy of Bruker.
Easy & fast probe mounting
The mounting of a FluidFM probe onto your AFM is fast and simple and does not require any tooling. The video shows the mounting onto a JPK NanoWizard AFM.
Tailored to each system
Our FluidFM probe adapters are tailored to the geometrical and physical requirements of the specific JPK and Bruker AFMs.

Use Cases with a FluidFM ADD-ON and Bruker & JPK AFMs
Original video length ~10 min. Video courtesy of Bruker.
Quantification of cell - surface interaction
The interaction of a H431 cell is being quantified against the surface on a 8x8 array. The experiment was conducted with a Bruker BioScope Resolve and a FluidFM micropipette.
Pick up of a bead for force mapping on living cells
A colloid is picked up by a FluidFM probe and used to measure a force map on a living cell. The FluidFM microfluidic control is fully integrated into the AFM software.
The bead is held with -400 mbar while the measurement takes place. The video shows a full force map cycle.
Original video length ~9 min. Video courtesy of Bruker.
Image courtesy of Bruker. Phase contrast image of living vero cells, the FluidFM micropipette and 11 µm polystyrene bead before (a), during (b) and after pickup (c). (d) Overlay of optical image with Height map using the polystyrene bead. (e, f) Height and apparent stiffness map of two cells.
Video courtesy of Bruker.
Creating droplet arrays from fL to nL
In this video the letters JPK are spotted onto a glass dish in air. These femtoliter sized water droplets quickly evaporate under ambient conditions. For longer lasting droplets a bit of glycerol can be added to the ink. However, often it is desired that only the proteins or nanoparticle payload stays on the sample, while the carrier solution evaporates.
Reproducibility of FluidFM printed spots
3x4 spots of 30 nm gold nanoparticles are deposited with a FluidFM probe
- They are later scanned with the same probe
- The reproducibility of all 12 spots is very high
- The slope channel is extremely useful to calculate the spot area and volume
- The 30 nm Au nano particles are individual or aggregated, and typically slightly to the edge of the spot

Image courtesy of Bruker. The height and slope channel of 30nm Au nanoparticles, printed with a FluidFM nanopipette.

Image courtesy of Bruker. Optical image of the deposited spots; 2x2 maps with 3x3 µm2, gap 1.5 µm.
Print & scan with the same probe
AFM scans are also possible with the FluidFM nanopipette used for printing. Yet doubled features occur due to the tip geometry, which features corners around the opening. 2 of which at the contact level. These doubled feature effect can be avoided by tilting the AFM.
First structure: Motors A/B/C = 0 µm
Second structure: Motors A/B = 700 µm; C = 0 µm

Images courtesy of Bruker.