Keynote Speaker: Online Talk - New Advances in Single Cell Mechanics - Session Material Sciences
9/6/23, 1:30 PM - 9/6/23, 2:05 PM (Europe/Zurich) (35 minutes)

Keynote Speaker: Online Talk - New Advances in Single Cell Mechanics - Session Material Sciences
Gang-Yu Liu

Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, United States



Single cell mechanics, derived from atomic force microscopy-based technology in conjunction with cellular imaging and assays, provides a new and effective means to measure the elastic compliance of cellular membrane, cytoskeleton, as well as nuclei.  In addition, applying mechanical force to living cells could actively trigger and regulate the cellular signaling processes and ultimately allowing regulation of cellular behaviors. This presentation first introduces the technology, methodology, and latest developments to perform single cell mechanics in vitro, and to extract the cellular mechano-profiles qualitatively and quantitatively. Two applications will then be discussed: (a) using single cell mechanics as a readout for monitoring nanoparticle-cell interactions, as such nanocytotoxicity; and (b) using single cell mechanical perturbation to trigger and regulate cellular signaling and functions. The former reveals that single cell-based studies are a necessary and valuable tool to probe in-vivo pulmonary nanotoxicity. The latter opens a new pathway towards programming cellular signaling processing, e.g., by systematic variation of transient mechanical perturbation at the single cell level.  

KEYWORDS: Atomic force microscopy | Single cell compression | Cell mechanics | Membrane blebbing | Mechano-sensing | Cell signaling
