Call for Proposals

FluidFM User Conference 2023

Submission Application

Fill this form to submit your poster or talk abstract for the conference.

About you

Who will be presenting? We will show this to attendees to showcase your talk.

Contact Information

How can our team get in touch with you?

Important Note

This year’ event will be a hybrid conference (Physical & partially online), so we would like to offer the possibility for external people to join remotely certain talks and to re-watch our speakers’ presentation in the shape of replays available on our YouTube channel and promoted on social media and our website. Therefore, upon submission, we'll reach out to you concerning the potential online diffusion of talk and the related recording. 

We would like to insist on the fact that Cytosurge guarantees complete confidentiality of all presentation materials, including slides, audio, and video recordings. Under no circumstances will any material be published on the Cytosurge website without the explicit permission of the author. In addition, throughout the entire conference, a strict no-photography policy will be enforced to safeguard the confidentiality of the presentations. 

Submission Types

  • Poster submission:
    A0 format is required. Five posters' spots are allocated per topic. 

  • Talk Submission. Twenty-minute talk on different topics. 

Submission Agreement

We require speakers to accept an agreement in which they commit to:

  • -  Approval to publish abstract and title on Cytosurge's website.

- Submission of the presentation latest 1 week prior to the event.