Keynote Speaker: Live-seq: a FluidFM-based single-cell transcriptomics approach to study cellular dynamics and communication - Session Live-seq & Biopsies
Dr. Orane Guillaume-GentilDone
Characterization of Mechanotransduction-induced changes in cell identity of PDAC in response to Nanotopography - Session Live-seq & Biopsies
Pr. Dr. Carmelo FerraiDone
Single-cell Nanobiopsy Enables Multigenerational Longitudinal Transcriptomics of Cancer Cells - Session Live-seq & Biopsies
Dr. Fabio MarcuccioDone
Welcome - Day 2
Coffee Break
Quantification of micro/nano objects movement under vortex force by Fluidic Force Microscopy - Session Mechanobiology
Dr. Yonghui ZhangDone
Keynote Speaker - Robotic FluidFM in the Nanobiosensorics Lab: from large-area printing to high-throughput adhesion and injection of single cells - Session Mechanobiology
Dr. Robert HorvathDone
Engineering Endosymbiotic Growth of E. coli in Mammalian Cells - Session Genome Engineering
Chantal ErnstDone
Registration & Coffee
Transient Changes in Stem Cells Induced by Electrical Stimulation - Session Mechanobiology
Dr. Amy GelmiDone
Round Table - Live-seq & Biopsies
9/5/23, 12:15 PM
9/5/23, 1:00 PM
(45 minutes)
Confirmed Participants:
Dr. Orane Guillaume-Gentil
Pr. Dr. Carmelo Ferrai
Round Table - Live-seq & Biopsies